
New River Press are proud to present I Am Not Who You Think I Am, a project to develop an anthology of new poems by people who’ve experienced homelessness, in partnership with the homeless charity Crisis and novelist Miranda Gold.

It is an ambitious project that we’ve been deeply immersed in. Since July we have programmed a series of surgeries, drop-ins, workshops, and events. Our weekly one-to-one poetry surgeries match participants with a range of poets and performing artists who provide careful attention, editorial advice, and creative insights. Poetry drop-ins provide a forum to share poems and discuss each other’s writing. Workshops have offered a wealth of opportunities to experiment on and off the page. This has led to lively events which have given invaluable experience performing. Audiences have received their work with inspired enthusiasm. 

All this has been done on a shoestring budget. We are now seeking donations to move the project forward to the next stage. The anthology is due to be published Winter 2020. This gives us a comparatively short window to not only discover new voices, but care for and develop their work to the highest standard possible. Money raised will go towards organising workshops and performances, tutors, editorial development, marketing, design, and printing costs.

New River Press, Miranda Gold, and Crisis will give the time, commitment, and care needed for participants to reach their potential - and gain the tools, confidence, and resilience a writing life engenders.

Please give what you can and email newriver@thenewriverpress.com with any questions. All support is greatly appreciated.

New River Press